This I found for 35.00 on
Craig's list. The girl I bought it from said it was an antique. I am horrible at remembering to take before pictures but to give you an idea, it was white with stickers all over it. The drawers were falling apart. My- oh so talented- husband fixed it all. I painted and distressed it. It is perfect! Just what I needed for my sew room.
We passed a garage sale last weekend and I spotted this table from the road. I got it for 10.00. Again, it needed some love, but Aron took care of that. I painted it and it's like new. LOVE IT!

This lamp was in my attic. It is larger than most and had a brown leather shade. I really don't know why I ever liked it, but now I think I will enjoy it even more. I left the base as it was and recovered the shade with this delicious fabric.

If I could just find something to hide all of this! Fabric is my weakness.